Lightroom select multiple photos
Lightroom select multiple photos

You can do this easily in the Grid View of Lightroom’s Library module, but it can also be done from the Filmstrip view in the Develop module. To open multiple files as individual layers in a single Photoshop document, select the images you would like to open by control-clicking on them in Lightroom.

lightroom select multiple photos

Wouldn’t it be great if you could just select the files you want to open and click the mouse once to open them all together? Yes, it is great. This is no big deal if you’ve just got an image or two to combine, but when you’ve got a bunch of files you need to stack together, it can be a tedious process. The way many photographers handle the compositing process is to open an image in Photoshop, select the whole image, copy it and paste it onto the master frame as a new layer. The only problem is, it takes more post-processing time. It can be a time-saver during the shoot, because you can work quickly with a single source and simply reposition it for each new exposure, without worrying about hiding it completely from the frame. For me that typically comes when I’m shooting architectural interiors, where I use just a light or two to illuminate specific elements in the scene, and then composite together those different frames to create an image that appears to have been lit by several light sources. Every once in a while, though, I shoot something with the knowledge that I’m going to composite several images-like six, eight or 10 or more exposures-to create the final shot. Or maybe I’ll shoot a landscape and clone the tree from one exposure into another frame.

lightroom select multiple photos

I might shoot a portrait and take the eyes from one shot and replace closed eyes in another. There are lots of photographs I make that incorporate elements from multiple different frames.

Lightroom select multiple photos