Call of duty imfdb
Call of duty imfdb

Cryo Cannon - The Cryo Cannon was a man-portable scientific instrument that dispensed an endothermic chemical in a gaseous form.Combat Knife - The Combat Knife is a type of melee weapon that allows the user to perform a close quarter combat attack after grabbing or kicking an enemy from behind cover.Claw Light Machine Gun - The Claw Light Machine Gun is a Swarm magazine-fed machine gun developed in the early stages of the Swarm War.It employed the Gatling-gun principle, in which six revolving barrels rotate around the firing axis. It could also be used as a stationary emplacement gun on fortifications for defense. It was usually mounted as an offensive weapon on vehicles, such as the King Raven and Assault Derrick, and was seen on the Tyro Pillar. Chain Gun - The Chain Gun was a large, high-caliber, electrically-cycled, fully automatic, heavy gatling gun employed by the Coalition of Ordered Governments military.These buzzsaws ricochet off hard surfaces. Buzzkill - The Buzzkill is a heavy weapon that, after a small wind-up time, fires buzzsaws for as long as the trigger is pressed.Crystal fragments from Locust Shellswere affixed to a motorized rod with rotating segments, so that when activated, the weapon's crystal teeth would rotate as the wielder swung it. Breaker Mace - The Breaker Mace is a Swarm melee weapon used to bludgeon opponents.Boomshot Grenade Launcher - The Boomshot Grenade Launcher is a single-shot, pump-action grenade launcher designed and used by the Locust.Boltok Pistol - The Boltok Pistol is a Locust inspired magnum revolver side-arm.Bolo Grenade - The Bolo Grenade is a throwable fragmentation grenade.This equipment is featured in the brand new Escape Mode. After the Venom Bomb, it is the Hivebusters' most vital piece of equipment, as it uses adrenaline to awaken them while they are within a Pod, allowing them to cut their way out and begin their mission. Adrenaline Injector - The Adrenaline Injector is a face mask worn by Coalition of Ordered Governments Hivebusters.

Call of duty imfdb