Fallout new vegas service rifle
Fallout new vegas service rifle

fallout new vegas service rifle

You created several white phosphorous artillery shells. Incidentally, there is an unused message file that describes the construction of white phosphorous shells at The Fort (based on editor ID) but this is probably unrelated: WP most likely stands for White Phosphorous. Mentioned only in the empty levelled item list VendorAmmo25mmGrenadeWP.

fallout new vegas service rifle

Both unused rifles look identical to the regular version.Ī clone of the Codac R9000. The other is named WeapPlasmaRifleAlwaysCrit, which functions more like a Multiplas Rifle, except it always crits and always turns the target into a puddle of goo.

fallout new vegas service rifle

The HV prefix in the name means that it was intended for use in Hidden Valley, probably as another broken weapon like the Jammed Minigun. The first is called HVWeapPlasmaRifleWeak internally, and just as its name suggests, it's weaker then the regular Plasma Rifle. There are three items with this name in the game's files, with two of them going unused. This was apparently never corrected so the Pew Pew's behavior was (eventually) changed to fire five energy cells at once.įorm IDs: CDA5C (Weak), F7EAE (Always Crit) up to not fire the second shot if there's no ammo left in the gun. As soon as we have a way to check ammo, I'll set this fire twice and pull the ammo for the second shot from the player's reserve, before KNOWN ISSUE: If the player has one charge left in the pistol and fires, the gun will It makes the pistol fire twice quickly for every pull of the trigger. This script is attached to weapon WeapNVLaserPistolUnique, otherwise known as You are still dressed as a member of the Followers of the Apocalypse. You are still dressed as a member of the Boomers. The Boomer disguise would have been useful for infiltrating Nellis, and a Followers of the Apocalypse disguise would have made the Legion docile. This AOE spell is responsible for applying the "aura" effects on nearby Legion allies.Ī pair of unused message files (FactionReminderBoomer, FactionReminderFollowers) show that it was once possible to disguise oneself as a Boomer or a member of the Followers of the Apocalypse. The token merely kicks in a timer that, when appropriate, makes the Legion Explorer's reference cast on itself (CIOS) an AOE, touch based, spell. I place this GameMode code in an item so as not to run the script on the Actor entity. This script runs on an unplayable token in Legion Explorers' inventory. The following developer comment is in the item's script: Despite being a Legion-related item (called LegionExplorerAuraToken internally), it was mistakenly placed in the inventory of Crandon in North Vegas. The GECK says it's a pair of sunglasses, but it can't be equipped or even seen if added to the inventory.

  • 8.19 Tom Dooley's Player Stuff Merchant Container.
  • 3.5 Trail Carbine Laminate Stock and Custom Action.
  • 3.4 Service Rifle Bayonet and Reflex Sight.
  • 2.7 Heavy Rail Cannon and Light Rail Cannon.

  • Fallout new vegas service rifle